Michelle Baena
is one of the hardest models to get in
cards; it's why her cards usually sell for more than the others' on
Ebay, which is ironic, because she sells autographed items of her own, at affordable prices ($15 for a personalized 8x10).
Her career really took off after she made the cover of
Playboy for the May 2005 edition; she has since appeared in a bunch of fitness magazines, most Benchwarmer sets since,
Mac & Bumble, as well as the USA National Bikini Team.
I'm glad I have this card (#13 of 18 different model autographs), from the
2009 Benchwarmer Archive
set, pretty much a ''Greatest Hits'' set offering leftover ''special event'' cards to the general public and patches of worn materials from previous photo shoots; more and more, Benchwarmer, instead of pleasing their ever-increasing fan-base by making original new sets and printing more cards of more models, go the other way around - they make ever-more-limited sets (the last few limited at 199 cases
produced); it seems they'd rather make a dozen Ebay resellers happy than make enough cards for people who want them.
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